No Ordinary Story Leader's Guide (English)
This leader’s guide is for the No Ordinary Story series.
“No Ordinary Story” is a boxed series of eight booklets by John R. Cross that takes a reader through the Bible from creation to Christ, addressing the secular worldview with the uncompromising message of the gospel. Whether Gen Z, Millennial or Baby Boomer, this series' short chapters and small size make it easy for those who prefer to learn in small bites.
Assumptions: Assumes reader has little or no prior knowledge of the Bible.
Chronological: Begins with the creation of the universe, and then, progressing sequentially through key Old Testament stories, it moves into the New Testament to reveal the meaning of the cross and the tomb. The main story of the Bible is tied together into one universal, all-encompassing drama.
Objective: Allows the Bible to speak for itself in presenting the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no arm-twisting to believe. The message is presented objectively; the decision to believe or not to believe is left to the reader.
Bite-sized: Each book is 40 pages, broken into 10 chapters. This format keeps the content moving and readers can quickly move to the next booklet.
Richly illustrated: Uses either compelling and dramatic line art by Matt Almy or graphics on every two-page spread.
Videos: Includes 69 video segments to complement the teaching in the booklets.
Designed for Small Groups: This series is broken up into a number of booklets which are a great size for using in a small group study with unbelievers or believers, or in a Sunday School class.
Appropriate for Teens and Adults
- Contains the full text of the course book, details on how to teach alone or with a co-leader, how to use the videos and visual aids, and a section of leader's notes that provide more in-depth information.
- Optional: You can also purchase the leader's guide with the additional four training and resource discs.
This leader's guide is a component of the Worldview Rethink curriculum box. It can be used on its own or with any of the Worldview Rethink resources.
No. of pages:
Optional Training DVDs:
- "What": What is Worldview Rethink?
- "Why": The uniqueness of Worldview Rethink and what it can contribute to the body of Christ
- "How": A "how-to" video on guiding the course.
- Resource CD: Additional printable visual aids and printouts for teaching the Worldview Rethink course; plus banners, flyers, posters—all you need to publicize the course.
Related Resources:
The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus Leader's Guide. This is ideal for any believer who wishes to teach someone with a Christianized background, whether Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox. It assumes readers have a concept of only one God who is a person—not a force.
By This Name Leader's Guide. This is the premier leader's guide. It clearly explains the biblical worldview using a solidly scriptural method to set apart the God of the Bible from other forms of spirituality.
All that the Prophets have Spoken Leader's Guide. This is ideal for any believer who wishes to teach someone with an Islamic worldview through a creation-to-the-cross approach to the gospel. It looks at the Word of God from the perspective of a Muslim reader, all without reference to Islam or the Quran.