What are Christmas and Easter All About? (Lao)

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Like other GoodSeed tools, this book explains the gospel in a chronological manner from creation to the cross. This 80-page booklet is priced so that it can be given away in large numbers. Churches can present these booklets to visitors or they can be given out at concerts or church programs—especially at Easter or Christmas events. Individuals can also give the booklet like a gospel tract to family, friends and neighbours.

Using full-colour illustrations and carefully controlled text, the core message of the Bible is explained in simple-to-understand English so that even someone who uses English as a second language can gain a clear understanding of the message.



  • Written for those with limited language skills: Using EasyEnglish, it is suitable for children, teens, ESL and people who do not read a lot.
  • Priced for mass giveaways: This booklet is very affordable. Bought in bulk, it is priced less than a cup of coffee—cheaper than a Christmas or Easter card. It is ideal to giveaway in large numbers. A church can hang one on every door in a neighbourhood without breaking the budget!
  • Assumptions: Assumes reader has little or no prior knowledge of the Bible
  • Chronological: Begins with the creation of the universe, and then progressing sequentially through key Old Testament stories, it moves into the New Testament to reveal the meaning of the cross and the tomb. The main story of the Bible is tied together into one universal, all-encompassing drama. The content is brief so a reader can complete the book in approximately 45 minutes.
  • Fully illustrated: Colour paintings by gifted artist, Ian Mastin, bring the gospel story to life. (See ianmastin.com)


No. of pages: 80


ວັນຄຣິສມາດ ແລະ ວັນອິສເຕີ ຫມາຍເຖິງຫຍັງ?

ຂຽນໂດຍ ທ່ານ ຈອນ ອາຣ ຄຣອສ
ອອກແບບຮບູ ພາບໂດຍ ທາ່ ນ ອຽນ ມາສຕນິ


ເປົາຫມາຍຂອງປືມນແີ ມນເພືອອະທິບາຍກຽວ ກບັ ເລືອງລາວທີສາ� ຄນັ ທີສດຸ ທີມຢີ ູໃນຫນງັ ສືພຣ ະຄາ� ພີບ�ຣສິ ດຸ ເປັນເລືອງລາວທີໃຫເຂົາໃຈວາວນັ ຄຣສິ ມາດ ແລະ ວນັ ອສິ ເຕີ ຫມາຍເຖງິ ຫຍງັ ; ຢາງໃດກດ� ີ ປືມເຫລັມນບ�ໄດເວົາເຖງິ ແຕພຽງ ເລືອງລາວທີກຽວກບັ ວນັ ສະເຫລີມສະຫລອງ ເທົານນັືມເຫລັມນຈີ ະເຮົາບອກຫລາຍກວານນັືມເຫລັມນຈີ ະບອກເຮົາວາຫນງັ ສືພຣະ ຄາ� ພີເປັນຄາ� ຕອບສາ� ຫລບັ ຊວີ ິດ, ຄວາມຕາຍ ແລະຊວີ ດິ ຫລງັ ຄວາມຕາຍ ປືມເຫລັມນຈີ ະຊວຍໃຫເຮົາເຂົາໃຈກຽວກບັ ຫນງັ ສພື ຣະຄາ� ພີ.

ຈອນ ອາຣ ຄຣອສ ເປັນນກັ ຂຽນມາຈາກປະເທດການາດາ ອຽນມາສຕນິເປັນນກັສລິະປະມາຈາກປະເທດອສົຕາລີ