The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus (English)
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The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus gives a solid overview of the main message of the Bible. It ties together key Old and New Testament stories to reveal the identity of God and the nature of sin, all the time answering two questions: “Who is Jesus?” and “What is the story of the cross and the tomb all about?” It helps a person understand clearly what is the main message of Bible.
“The Bible makes so much sense now!”
This book is ideal for people who come from a Christianized background, whether Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox. It assumes that readers have a concept of God found in the Holy Bible.
This edition includes 110 online video clips. You can watch these video clips on your mobile device or web browser. Use the QR codes and URLs to access them. (See the videos online.) An optional DVD with these clips is also available for separate purchase. To purchase, go to Add-On DVD for The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus.
- Written for adults and teens: Understood by children as young as 10, but written for adults and teens.
- Assumptions: Assumes that when readers think of God, they think of only one God, and that God is a person, not a force. No other Bible knowledge is assumed.
- Christianized worldview: Ideal for readers who come from a background influenced by Christianity, whether Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox.
- Based on the gospel of John: Uses the gospel of John as a template; at the same time, provides necessary background stories to give the gospel context. It assumes the reader knows very little, if anything, about the Bible.
- Chronological: Begins with the creation of the universe, and then progressing sequentially through key Old Testament stories, it moves into the New Testament to reveal the meaning of the cross and the tomb. The main story of the Bible is tied together into one universal, all-encompassing drama.
- Peels religious tradition off the Bible: Readers are introduced to the Bible without the trappings of religion.
- Objective: The Bible is allowed to speak for itself in presenting the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no arm-twisting to believe. The message is presented objectively; the decision to believe or not to believe is left to the reader.
- Bible verses: Told as a story, 1177 Bible verses are woven throughout the text. The reader engages with the text of the Bible for himself.
- Illustrated: Over 100 drawings, maps and diagrams help explain the story.
- Designed to giveaway: The book can be passed on like a gospel tract. Readers can then learn the Bible's message on their own.
- Designed to use in a course: This resource can be used as the student’s book in a Bible study. (Learn more about “The Worldview Rethink Course.”)
No. of pages: 288
ISBN: 9781890082727
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The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus Companion Workbook
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Also available: eBook edition
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The Stranger
Good resources for grounding the message of the gospel using OT and particularly the history of Israel.
The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus
I first read The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus in the 1990s, when one of the translators gifted it to me. John Cross has written a very readable and panoramic view of Christ foreshadowed in the Old Testament and revealed in the New Testament. It is an excellent tool for evangelism, for training up young Christians, and for review by seasoned students of the Bible. I highly recommend this book for personal study and as a great gift for family and friends.
An Enlightening Journey Through the Bible’s Grand Narrative
The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus by John R. Cross is an enlightening and carefully structured exploration of the Bible's central message. The book excels in its chronological approach, walking readers through the grand narrative of Scripture in a way that brings clarity to what may seem like disconnected stories. By presenting the Bible as one coherent story, the author invites both believers and skeptics to reexamine the Bible's claims with fresh eyes. One of the book's most impressive features is its meticulous attention to detail. Cross uses a logical progression to explain key biblical themes and events, making it accessible to readers regardless of their prior knowledge of the Bible. The use of chronological storytelling allows readers to understand how each event fits into the larger picture, and this approach helps break down complex ideas into something more easily digestible. The writing style is warm and inviting, making the book feel more like a conversation than a lecture. Cross writes with a genuine care for his audience, offering explanations that are both thorough and easy to follow. This tone helps readers feel comfortable and engaged, even as they are challenged to rethink their understanding of the Bible. Overall, The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus is a valuable resource for anyone curious about the Bible's message. Whether you've attended church for years or are entirely new to its teachings, this book will guide you thoughtfully through the Bible's core themes, leaving you with a deeper understanding of its relevance today.
Excellent and clear tool for teaching and learning.
There's no better book than this to learn about Jesus. Keep up the good work!
Stranger on the Road to Emmaus
Our Wood Point Baptist Church ladies group did this study and it was excellent. A mixture of some newer Christian ladies and some more seasoned Christian ladies. It is straight forward and easy to understand and brought out points we hadn’t thought of. I would highly recommend.
Stranger on the Road to Emmaus
Our Wood Point Baptist Church ladies group did this study and it was excellent. A mixture of some newer Christian ladies and some more seasoned Christian ladies. It is straight forward and easy to understand and brought out points we hadn’t thought of. I would highly recommend.
Explained salvation from Creation to Christ
Workbook records what you learned through the study.
The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus
I love this book. It gives such a clear explanation of God's plan of salvation and why we need a deliverer. I have read this book many times with those who are new to English or who are Biblically illiterate. It is amazing to me to watch the Spirit of God open their eyes to the truth. No all who read it with me became believers but they all learned truth from God's word that they hadn't understood before.
the Stranger on the Road to Emmaus
We appreciate the book and hand them out free.