The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus (English)
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The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus gives a solid overview of the main message of the Bible. It ties together key Old and New Testament stories to reveal the identity of God and the nature of sin, all the time answering two questions: “Who is Jesus?” and “What is the story of the cross and the tomb all about?” It helps a person understand clearly what is the main message of Bible.
“The Bible makes so much sense now!”
This book is ideal for people who come from a Christianized background, whether Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox. It assumes that readers have a concept of God found in the Holy Bible.
This edition includes 110 online video clips. You can watch these video clips on your mobile device or web browser. Use the QR codes and URLs to access them. (See the videos online.) An optional DVD with these clips is also available for separate purchase. To purchase, go to Add-On DVD for The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus.
- Written for adults and teens: Understood by children as young as 10, but written for adults and teens.
- Assumptions: Assumes that when readers think of God, they think of only one God, and that God is a person, not a force. No other Bible knowledge is assumed.
- Christianized worldview: Ideal for readers who come from a background influenced by Christianity, whether Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox.
- Based on the gospel of John: Uses the gospel of John as a template; at the same time, provides necessary background stories to give the gospel context. It assumes the reader knows very little, if anything, about the Bible.
- Chronological: Begins with the creation of the universe, and then progressing sequentially through key Old Testament stories, it moves into the New Testament to reveal the meaning of the cross and the tomb. The main story of the Bible is tied together into one universal, all-encompassing drama.
- Peels religious tradition off the Bible: Readers are introduced to the Bible without the trappings of religion.
- Objective: The Bible is allowed to speak for itself in presenting the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no arm-twisting to believe. The message is presented objectively; the decision to believe or not to believe is left to the reader.
- Bible verses: Told as a story, 1177 Bible verses are woven throughout the text. The reader engages with the text of the Bible for himself.
- Illustrated: Over 100 drawings, maps and diagrams help explain the story.
- Designed to giveaway: The book can be passed on like a gospel tract. Readers can then learn the Bible's message on their own.
- Designed to use in a course: This resource can be used as the student’s book in a Bible study. (Learn more about “The Worldview Rethink Course.”)
No. of pages: 288
ISBN: 9781890082727
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The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus Companion Workbook
The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus Leaders Guide
Also available: eBook edition
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If the Bible were a puzzle, this book clearly puts all the pieces together
I thank God that I came across this book. It has the air of one of those “..for Dummies” books, e.g. “The Bible and the Gospel for Dummies”, though that title would do the book injustice. It linked everything in the Bible from the Old Testament and New Testament to why Jesus came to die for our sins. Simply put, it just makes the Bible SO clear. Reading this book made my heart smile at times. I was already in Christ before reading this book, but it did help me to understand things I had not yet fully grasp. (Originally posted on August 18, 2010)
An excellent course for non / new Christians - and all those who want to know more
My husband and I ran this course after our involvement with running another well known Christian course for our previous church.Our group from the previous course wanted a better knowledge and understanding than they had received about who Jesus is. Six of us took part - (my husband and I (Christians for 7 years), our daughter (Christian for one year), one person who’d been a Christian for many years but wanted to know more, one person who’d become a Christian at the end of the last course, but had little knowledge of the bible, and one person who thought he was a Christian until the last course where he realised he wasn’t! He had a big stumbling block about Jesus and about suffering his wife endured before she died.) We ran each section and then went through the questions together and discussed issues as they arose where relevant and put aside those that we knew would be covered later. By the end of the course (last week) all participants said how much they enjoyed the course and how much more informative it was than the previous Christian course we’d run. All of them now want to continue with the group and do some specific bible study. The man who’d had the stumbling blocks now finds that he understands the Gospel and we pray that he will give his life to the Lord very soon. I would highly recommend this course. It takes a lot of the pressure off if you feel inadequate as a leader! (Originally posted on April 11, 2010)
Great Book
This is a great book with solid teaching. Would be a good book for a new Christian to read or in a small group study with those seeking to understand more about the Christian faith. It would also be a good book for someone who has been a Christian for a long time who has not spent much time reading through the bible or maybe just needs a better understanding of how it all fits together. (Originally posted on January 29, 2010)
Every one should read it
This book puts life and the way we live, into perspective in such an uncomplicated and yet deeply profound way, that I believe I was seriously blessed by it. Lots of books of a similar nature tend to be a bit “wiffly waffly” but this book was to the point and didn’t feel at all like it was forcing the Bible down your throat which a lot of other books do come across as doing. Easy reading and a really powerful message for believers and non-believers alike. Highly recommend it but read with an open mind. Don’t expect anything from it when you first start reading. (Originally posted on July 30, 2009)
This Book Helped to Save Me
I was born a Catholic and I had given up on the Church and pretty much God by the age of 17. After a nasty divorce, I knew that I had to make some major changes in my life. I met a wonderful man who brought me back to Church, this time a Baptist Church. There was a woman there that had also been a Catholic, and she gave me a copy of this book. Since I had never owned my own Bible before The Stranger on the Road provided me with knowledge about God’s meanings that I had been missing in my life and I truly have been saved. I am now a happy Christian woman, who has passed the book on to another friend in need of God in her life. (Originally posted on April 30, 2009)
I really enjoyed reading The Stranger
Hi! I really enjoyed reading The Stranger it is a real special book about the bible. Thanks for publishing a book that truly is important to everybody in the world. It helped me understand a lot about the bible and what the verses truly mean. Thanks again (Originally posted on November 07, 2008)
this Bible Study changed my life
I emphasized how this Bible Study changed my life. I really shared the awesome truths in the Old Testament that needs understanding before people can truly understand GOD’s redemptive plan for mankind. They understand that once they have read this awesome study they will have their arms around the ENTIRE BIBLE for the first time in their life. (Originally posted on November 03, 2008)
Great tool for every Christian, young, old and everything in between
I was very pleased reading this great book. Al last, it seems possible to write a book that provides enough basic knowledge without losing yourself in denominational and/or dogmatic issues. The respect and love for God and his Word are coming on to you from every page of this book. Also written with lots of respect for people with different opinions. A great tool for personal studie or studies in groups. Honestly, i can’t wait till its translated in Dutch! Are there any plans? I would love to have a share in a Dutch translation project. (Originally posted on September 16, 2008)
Allows people with a semi-religious background to genuinely understand how to recieve Christ as Savior
WOW! We've had 8 people recieve Christ at our church recently; 5 of those salvation decisions have come from and understanding of God's plan of salvation after reading through the Stranger book. We buy these books by the case because our church has found them to be the most effective evangelism tool for Bible study for people in our area. (Originally posted on 03/01/2012)