No Ordinary Story - Complete Set
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You've been asking for...
• Something that communicates the gospel in bite-sized pieces
• Written for a secular worldview
• Good for Sunday School, Small Groups, Devotions
• Usable for Home School or Christian School
“No Ordinary Story” is a boxed series of eight booklets by John R. Cross that takes a reader through the Bible from creation to Christ, addressing the secular worldview with the uncompromising message of the gospel. Whether Gen Z, Millennial or Baby Boomer, this series' short chapters and small size make it easy for those who prefer to learn in small bites.
Assumptions: Assumes reader has little or no prior knowledge of the Bible.
Chronological: Begins with the creation of the universe, and then, progressing sequentially through key Old Testament stories, it moves into the New Testament to reveal the meaning of the cross and the tomb. The main story of the Bible is tied together into one universal, all-encompassing drama.
Objective: Allows the Bible to speak for itself in presenting the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no arm-twisting to believe. The message is presented objectively; the decision to believe or not to believe is left to the reader.
Bite-sized: Each book is 40 pages, broken into 10 chapters. This format keeps the content moving and readers can quickly move to the next booklet.
Richly illustrated: Uses either compelling and dramatic line art by Matt Almy or graphics on every two-page spread.
Videos: Includes 69 video segments to complement the teaching in the booklets.
Designed for Small Groups: This series is broken up into a number of booklets which are a great size for using in a small group study with unbelievers or believers, or in a Sunday School class.
Appropriate for Teens and Adults
Big Ideas in Bite-Sized Books
The core message is presented in eight booklets :
No Ordinary God – Who is the God of the Bible? What is he like? (introduction to God’s character as revealed through the creation account)
No Ordinary Evil – Why is there so much evil in the world? Where does it come from? ( the fall of man, sin and its consequences)
No Ordinary Faith – Why is faith so important? What’s the big deal about trust?
No Ordinary Rules – Does God keep his word? What is the right way to live? (Abraham and Isaac, Moses and Exodus, the giving and purpose of the Ten Commandments)
No Ordinary House – Is there a way out of this mess? What’s with the tent? (sin, works won’t do it, the sacrificial system, the Tabernacle, the Prophets)
No Ordinary Birth – Who was Jesus anyway? How can we be sure? (birth of Jesus, start of his ministry)
No Ordinary Death – Why a cross? Can a dead man live again? (death, burial and resurrection of Jesus)
No Ordinary Plan – Why the lamb? Is it really that simple? (putting it all together)
Background booklet:
No Ordinary Book – What’s the big deal about the Bible? A pre-evangelism booklet building the case for the Bible.
Going Deeper booklets:
No Ordinary Verdict – Am I still guilty? What about shame?
No Ordinary Return – Where is Jesus now? Is he coming back to earth again?
Secular worldview?
The main evangelistic resources available through GoodSeed are written specifically for different worldviews, the framework by which a person answers the big questions in life. These include the Christianized worldview (The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus), the Islamic worldview (All that the Prophets have Spoken), and the Eastern worldview (By This Name). A classic definition of the Secular worldview includes a person weighing various opinions and coming to a worldview conclusion that excludes a god (i.e. an atheist). More commonly today, however, a Secular worldview applies to someone who simply doesn’t give spiritual issues any thought, and without thinking through its implications, adopts the Secular worldview by default. These people are busy with life, indifferent to the spiritual realm.
If you are familiar with the books listed above, this new series, No Ordinary Story, is an abridgment of all three books with material and adaptations specific to the Secular worldview.
Great for Individual and Community Biblical Studies
We've been using the "Stranger on the Road to Emmaus" materials in Sunday School for shoring up the foundations of our church members and attendees, and to help them understand how to share the Gospel. We started planning a mid-week, open to the community, introduction to the Bible and began to realize our community is too secularized even for the "Stranger" curriculum. These "No Ordinary Story" series of books and leader's guides are geared specifically to a secular worldview. The great story of the Bible is presented in condensed "sub-story" snippets with a booklet per subject/topic. It's less intimidating and more approachable by today's (American, at least) culture without skimping the least in the presentation of the Bible's core message. The updated videos that accompany it are also an "improvement" - as there's no "church" environment. Mr. Cross (looking even more scholarly with age), presents the message matter-of-factly, with the well-crafted visual aids and images of Holy Land locations and environs. These are more appealing to our audience who are used to getting their information from "snippets" and "reels" on their mobile devices. We are grateful to Good Seed for this updated/targeted format for teaching and learning the Bible and the Gospel.
Mind Blowing Read!
This series was incredible. Growing up Christian I thought of myself as a follower of Christ and believer in God. After only a few pages in to the first book my mind was blown. This has me with a new deep connection to God, myself and the world. Extremely powerful I would love to see the world all read this series and embrace the gift the Bible truly is.
No ordinary story - complete set
Using it for a community family Bible study. It's an excellent tool to include all ages.
Clear, concise, and true to God's heart towards His creature..
Excellent linear, concise, stepped message starting from the failure of mankind in an ideal setting, the grace and mercy of God in His provision of a way back to Himself, without compromising His justness. Great asset answering those many questions that are asked (often in a challenging way) when speaking to those who have never experienced, or felt their need, of God's forgiveness.