By This Name (English)
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Maybe you’ve been told, "I'm glad you've found your way to God but everyone finds him in different places and religions." So how do you share the gospel with someone who believes that God is present in all of nature? What do you say when your friend visualizes “God” as a spiritual force or energy rather than as a person? In a world where “spirituality” has become popular and a knowledge of God has all but disappeared, how do you share the good news of Jesus Christ? Even the Western world has been influenced by cultures that believe in many gods.
By This Name explains the Bible’s core message to people who have no knowledge about the Bible. Using the architecture of the gospel of John, the book clearly sets apart the God of the Bible from all the other gods. It establishes the authority of Scripture and gently compares the biblical worldview to eastern worldviews. It ties together key Old and New Testament stories to reveal the identity of God and the nature of sin, with the aim to answer two questions: “Who is Jesus?” and “What is the story of the cross and the tomb all about?” It helps a person understand clearly what the Bible is all about.
“By This Name” follows a similar chronological structure to “The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus” but is 60 per cent different in content.
- Written for adults and teens: The book is suitable for adults and teens.
- Assumptions: Assumes readers have little or no knowledge about the Bible.
- Eastern worldview: Engages a postmodern, post-Christian, secular mindset. Also addresses questions arising from polytheism, pantheism, animism, agnosticism and atheism.
- Chronological: Begins with the creation of the universe, and then progressing sequentially through key Old Testament stories, it moves into the New Testament to reveal the meaning of the cross and the tomb. The main story of the Bible is tied together into one universal, all-encompassing drama. Follows the same storyline in “The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus” but is 60 per cent different.
- Based on the gospel of John: Uses the gospel of John as a template; at the same time, provides necessary background stories to give the gospel context. It assumes the reader knows very little, if anything, about the Bible.
- Sets apart the God of the Bible: Answers the question, “What makes your sacred book better than mine?” “By This Name” addresses what makes the God of the Bible unique from all other gods or spirits.
- Peels religious tradition off the Bible: Readers are introduced to the Bible without the trappings of religion.
- Objective: The Bible is allowed to speak for itself in presenting the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no arm-twisting to believe. The message is presented objectively; the decision to believe or not to believe is left to the reader.
- Bible verses: Told as a story, 1570 Bible verses are woven throughout the text. The reader engages with the text of the Bible for himself.
- Illustrated: Over 100 drawings, maps and diagrams help explain the story.
- Designed to give away: The book can be passed on like a gospel tract. Readers can then learn the Bible's message on their own.
No. of Pages: 384
ISBN: 978-1-77304-020-2
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GoodSeed Australasia: au.goodseed.com/by-this-name-english/
AN excellent resource for those who go to church , but do not have a relationship with the Lord Jesus
a friend and I had an opportunity go to one of your conferences, to walk through the book...fascinating ! since then we have been promoting this Book, and handing out to anyone who is interested in understanding how they can become a Child of G0D. I love the way it ends with exactly how to surrender to the LORD, and become a follower of Jesus! Every page is so clear , that even a child can understand !
New believer study material
We purchased these to do a study with our neighbors who's wife recently believed. She has 0 knowledge of the Bible coming from a Thai Buddist background. Every chapter has a companion video of less than 10 minutes. We're up to chapter 3 as a group so far it's kept their attention and provoked many questions and understanding of the major themes
Life changing!
I went through this book 11 years ago to the day. I did not know at the time how much my life and walk with the a lord would change as a result. I'm grateful to say God has used this book to help me understand Him and his word clearly. An understood gospel is a powerful gospel. That's just what it was for me, understanding the gospel had a powerful effect on my life and as a result many others. Thanks be to God!
A stellar resource
"By This Name" is a foundational tool designed to enable people to grasp the central message of the Scripture. With each chapter, pieces of the “Biblical puzzle” are put in to place to form a beautiful explanation of the person and work of Jesus Christ. The study progresses chronologically and clearly demonstrates how the Bible forms one continuous story centered around a cross and an empty tomb. The explanations contained within this resource are thorough enough for those unfamiliar with the Scriptures to gain a sufficient understanding of the gospel. Simultaneously, the content is deep enough for the Bible scholar to be edified and encouraged. Most importantly, for those wanting to participate in the great commission of Christ (Matt 28:19-20), "By This Name" provides a tangible tool by which to teach others to teach others (2 Tim. 2:2). In the spirit of Ephesians 4:12, God has used GoodSeed to provide the body of Christ stellar resources by which to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ and equip others to do the same. Personally, I have been through this study multiple times and always catch a new take-away or emphasis I did not notice the time before. I highly recommend this book for all who may be considering it.
was looking for studies for my girls
By This Name
GREAT BOOK!! GREAT CURRICULUM! Whether using the book for individual study or the curriculum for a group study, By This Name is so well written, so thoroughly edited and refined that it is clear and easy to use in any setting. It is one of the best, if not the most well laid out curriculum we've ever used. We highly recommend the book and all materials available for teaching it in an group setting.
By This Name
This book has been a great asset/tool to have to give to folk that I have just met or that I know well about the Gosepl of Jesus Christ..
By this name
I bought this book to have on hand to give out ……I haven’t read it.
Great explanation of the main theme of the Bible
This is the best book I have seen at explaining how the different parts of the Bible fit together. It explains clearly God’s plan of redemption for mankind and does such a good job of explaining who God is and what He is like! I highly recommend this book to believers and non-believers alike! Everyone should read this book!