The Story that Matters (English)
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- Buy 10 - 49 and get 15% off
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- Buy 100 or above and get 35% off
This 64-page booklet explains the gospel in a chronological manner from creation to the cross. Using expressive line art illustrations and carefully controlled text, the core message of the Bible is explained in simple-to-understand English so that even someone who uses English as a second language can clearly understand.
It is priced so it can be given away in large numbers. Churches can present these booklets to visitors or they can be given out at concerts or church programs. Individuals can also give the booklet like a gospel tract to family, friends and neighbours.
This book is a variant of What are Christmas and Easter All About? The text is identical but it uses expressive line art. It is also titled for use beyond the Christmas and Easter seasons.
- Written for those with limited language skills: Using EasyEnglish, it is suitable for children, teens, ESL and people who do not read a lot.
- Priced for mass giveaways: This booklet is very affordable. Bought in bulk, it is priced less than a cup of coffee—cheaper than a Christmas or Easter card. It is ideal to giveaway in large numbers. A church can hang one on every door in a neighbourhood without breaking the budget!
- Assumptions: Assumes reader has little or no prior knowledge of the Bible
- Chronological: Begins with the creation of the universe, and then progressing sequentially through key Old Testament stories, it moves into the New Testament to reveal the meaning of the cross and the tomb. The main story of the Bible is tied together into one universal, all-encompassing drama. The content is brief so a reader can complete the book in approximately 45 minutes.
- Expressive line art: Illustrations by gifted artist, Matt Almy, bring the gospel story to life.
No. of pages: 64
ISBN: 9781927429655
There are book sleeves that wrap around The Story that Matters to enhance its appeal as a gift. For example, at a birthday or celebration, you can wrap the book with the sleeve that reads: “Thank you for celebrating with us!” Or at the funeral of a loved one, you can have a stack of books wrapped in the sleeve that reads: “The anchor of our hope and peace.” These and others sleeves help make it easy to leave someone with a clear explanation of the gospel. Check our site to see the wide variety of sleeves you can download to print off yourself. As you look over the options, we hope you will also be made aware of even more avenues for sharing the gospel. See Book Sleeves >>
No. of pages: 64
ISBN: 9781927429655
The Story That Matters
God led me to this book a few years ago after asking my mom did she know where she was going when she died. She said no and then I asked her if she wanted to go to heaven, she said yes. She knew about heaven but like me, attended church every Sunday with my dad, and also Sunday School, VBS, etc., but we didn't have a relationship with God. We believed we would go to heaven by being a "good" person but not sure. I learned after reading and studying the Bible and developing a relationship with God, it's not about works, it's about having a relationship with God, trusting and believing He sent Jesus as redeemer. I needed a book easy to read because my mom is Japanese so English is her second language. This book was perfect. We took our time reading the book together for several days and then answered the questions in the back to ensure she understood what we read. Today, we included this book in 200 compassion bags for the homeless in our community. We normally give the Bible, but this year we gave "The Story That Matters."
The Story That Matters
Very pleased with your product! I will be back.
The Story that Matters
This is an easy read and presents the good news if Jesus in an easy and understandable way. I like the Creation to the cross method which presents our need for a Savior, The Savior, Jesus. Well done!
The Story that Matters - easy English
A wonderful, quality product. Great value with the bulk pricing.
Virgin Birth?
I am a huge proponent of The Stranger, been using it for discipleship and evangelism for nearly 10 years. When I was looking for an evangelistic booklet I turned to this one. Come to find out there is confusing language regarding the nature of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. On page 32 Cross writes that "Yahweh was born into an ordinary family. His mother's name was Mary and her husband's name was Joseph. Although the family was ordinary, the baby was not. He was holy–one of a kind! The baby was God himself." I try to avoid gnat-straining, but the virgin birth is a cardinal doctrine and I wish there was an explicit mention of it. I know that John Cross and the publishing team believes in the virgin birth as well, which makes this omission quite curious. ------------------- Hi Tyler, Thank you for the question. Below is a response from the book's author: Question: Why do some of your books not mention the Virgin birth of Jesus? Answer: The gospel of John was specifically written so unbelievers would know how to come to Christ. And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name. John 21:30-31 NKJV If John included a topic in his gospel message, we tried to do that in our books as well, along with the Old Testament background passages. But if John did not include it, then we did not feel constrained to do so either. Neither the gospel of John nor the gospel of Mark include the Virgin birth in their pages. For this and the below reasons neither did we in the following products. • The Lamb was written for children. To explain to young children the concept of a virgin is no easy thing and would distract from the balance of time spent on the life of Christ as a whole, which is quite minimal. • The Story that Matters and What are Christmas and Easter All About? were booklets written in EasyEnglish. Though written for adults as well as children, to express the concept of a virgin in EasyEnglish would create uncomfortable specifics when reading it to young children. For all ages it would raise questions that take time to explain and would once again throw the story out of balance. These three above products are presentations of the Creation to Christ message using as few words as possible. This is a daunting task as you must ponder what can be left out and what must be put in. As in all the GoodSeed tools, we used the gospel of John as our master guide. Books in question: • The Lamb • The Story that Matters • What are Christmas and Easter All About?
The Story That Matters
I really like this product for evangelism. It is superior to a tract because it puts all the necessary doctrine in its historical context and is clear in its presentation of the gospel. The easy English in which it is written is great for evangelizing people with English as a 2nd language. I have a Korean friend who was Buddhist and trying to learn English better, so I gave him a copy. It opened many opportunities to share my faith with him. After reading it daily for several months, he has become a believer. I give these away individually or in bulk. Two Christian brothers like to witness to homeless people and I provide them with these for their witnessing. Thanks GoodSeed for a great product.
Not a bad second choice
We much prefer the "What Christmas and Easter Are All About" version, but since it isn't available anymore, this is a not a bad second choice. It doesn't have the colorful pictures like the other version, just black ink sketches.
Just What I Was Looking For!
I teach a Conversational English Class for International wives, and I have been looking for something simple to understand because of the vocabulary used, something that is not too long and that gives an overview of God's plan for His world and of salvation. The ladies have little, if any, understanding of the Bible. We have just started reading The Story, and I am so excited to see how the ladies understand and respond to it.
Christianity in a Nutshell
So often we have felt that people without a Christian background have a difficult time putting a sermon or a salvation booklet into the context of "the whole story". This book assumes nothing--it starts from the beginning and gives a complete picture of God, His Son Jesus, and our need to be rescued by Him so that we can have a right relationship with God for now and eternity. When first introduced to the book we bought a couple of cases with the intention of passing them on to our church to include in our visitor packets; however, we decided to keep some for ourselves and family to have on hand to share with seeking people whom God places in our path--we have had opportunities present themselves in the past when we wished we had a tool to enable those with no church background to understand why we need salvation and how someone else's death exonerates us. This book does exactly that. The book makes the salvation story simple by using basic vocabulary and concepts. Its simplicity is its purpose. It is not intended to be sophisticated.