Fieldnotes: Stories of the Gospel Transforming Lives (Volume 1)
Each week, people send us emails and letters, make phone calls or show up at a GoodSeed office. They come for the same reason—they have stories to share. Some are about life battles, others are about spiritual journeys. All are about how the gospel has transformed lives—how people have understood the good news and placed their trust in Jesus Christ for salvation. These testimonies share a common element: along the journey, an ordinary believer gave away a GoodSeed resource, or a friend took a GoodSeed tool and used it to explain the gospel.
Fieldnotes is a collection of these touching stories from around the world. They tell of God’s grace reaching into the lives of people, and of how ordinary believers were faithful ambassadors for Christ. Read these stories and praise God for what He has done.
Also see Fieldnotes Volume 2.