And Beginning with Moses (English)
Have you been noticing a shift in our culture and are struggling to know how to share the gospel with this new generation? You want to teach the Bible, but when people don't even understand who God is, where do you begin?
Maybe you've seen a change in the Christian church as postmodernism begins to affect the way we think. Previous methods of evangelism seem to be falling flat and people are becoming more and more illiterate concerning the Bible. You know there's a problem but you can't pinpoint exactly what it is or how to solve it.
Don't you wish something had already been done to identify just what the problem is? Even better, if there was already an answer for how to fix it? Just think how much more effective you could be in sharing the gospel if you knew what tools might help to correct the problem and even more so if you were taught how to use those tools!
This short, 114-page book takes a good look at the problems we face in communicating the gospel in today's culture. Not only does it identify what the problem is, but it also offers a biblical solution and gives an explanation of why this method works. Various tools have been created to help fill this need, each geared for a different audience. The second half of this book discusses what those tools are and explains how to use them. Also included is a section teaching about common blunders made with these tools as well as ideas of how to use them effectively.
This book is included in The Ambassador Series Bundle.
No. of pages:114
ISBN: 9781890082642
Enlightening, Fresh, Practical.
Great guide for teachers planning to do lead a study. It clearly explains both the problem as well as the unique solution with practical how-to’s all along the way. (Originally posted on August 25, 2009)