The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus - VideoBook DVD Set (English)
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For the complete Videobook on a USB drive, please click here.
"The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus - Videobook" gives a solid overview of the main message of the Bible. It ties together key Old and New Testament stories to reveal the identity of God and the nature of sin, all the time answering two questions: “Who is Jesus?” and “What is the story of the cross and the tomb all about?” It helps a person understand clearly what is the main message of Bible.
In this 11-hour video series, John Cross takes you on an unforgettable journey, bringing to life the greatest stories of the Bible. Filmed on location and in the classroom, the viewer is led through "The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus" with the use of over 70 visual aids.
Six DVDs are divided into a total of 52 sections, ranging between 4-27 minutes each. In any given session you can watch as many or as few sections as you like. At the end of a section, you will be asked to “pause” the DVD to answer the questions in the workbook (sold separately), providing an excellent way to reinforce the lesson and ensure that the message is being understood. If you’re looking for a stress-free way to teach the message of the Bible or want a tool that will complement your teaching, "The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus - VideoBook" will help you present an unforgettable gospel message.
This videobook is ideal for people who come from a Christianized background, whether Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox. It assumes readers have a concept of only one God who is a person—not a force.
- For adults and teens: Understood by children as young as 10, but developed for adults and teens.
- Assumptions: Assumes that when viewers think of God, they think of only one God, and that God is a person, not a force. No other Bible knowledge is assumed.
- Christianized worldview: Ideal for viewers who come from a background influenced by Christianity, whether Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox.
- Based on the gospel of John: Uses the gospel of John as a template; at the same time, provides necessary background stories to give the gospel context. It assumes the viewer knows very little, if anything, about the Bible.
- Chronological: Begins with the creation of the universe, and then progressing sequentially through key Old Testament stories, it moves into the New Testament to reveal the meaning of the cross and the tomb. The main story of the Bible is tied together into one universal, all-encompassing drama.
- Peels religious tradition off the Bible: Viewers are introduced to the Bible without the trappings of religion.
- Objective: The Bible is allowed to speak for itself in presenting the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no arm-twisting to believe. The message is presented objectively; the decision to believe or not to believe is left to the viewer.
- Bible verses: Told as a story, 1177 Bible verses are woven throughout the text. The viewer engages with the text of the Bible for himself.
- Designed to give away: The videobook can be passed on like a gospel tract. Viewers can then learn the Bible's message on their own.
- Designed for home Bible study, Sunday school and Bible Camp: Gives Bible teacehrs a stress-free way to teach the message of the Bible.
- Spanish audio and subtitles are included so you can select between English and Spanish.
ISBN: 97818900082369
DVD Region: All Regions
Duration: 11 Hours
Languages: English and Spanish
Subtitles: English and Spanish
DVD Stranger
The DVD went very well with the book and workbook. Able to have a home bible study that was fun able to introduce Jesus to people who never connect Old and New testaments Thanks
Stranger ……..video
Talked to the lady I hope to do The Stranger with so hope to start next week (her husband’s funeral is Saturday).
Thank you
Great Content!
I am going through the lesson chapters, and finding them intriguing and love that the content and workbook are tied together in the time frames. This will aid in guiding the lessons so much easier. Love this product!
The Bible Explained and Connected from Genesis to Revelations
What looks like some video recordings from the 90s is actually super informative and full of important teachings about what the Bible teaches. My understanding of the Bible and God was taken to another level when I first watched this in 2013. I watched it again just last month and it was still fantastic and refreshed my knowledge of many smaller bits of important info. Mr Cross's teachings in here clearly demonstrate that everything the Old Testament teaches is to prepare us - each and every human being - for what the New Testament would reveal through the Person of Jesus Christ and His identity as the Word became flesh. Truly, as Jesus said in Luke 24: 25 Then He said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! 26 Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?” 27 And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself. This is a must read/watch for all Christians to have a thorough understanding of the seemingly distant things/cultures/customs/signs/events found in the Old Testament, it cleared up so many things for me. It is also a great tool to introduce people who are seeking the Lord to the Bible and what the God of the Bible is like. Highly recommended!
Excellent tool to share with searching family and friends
I confidently sent the DVD set to young friend searching. I just finished the study myself and was fed, lifted, brought to my knees, empowered, humbled, thoroughly encouraged, found myself hungry again for more. Over 20 years saved, found myself finally deeper in my faith and for the first time confident in sharing my faith with a searching friend. This is a fantastic teaching and sharing tool. I always felt tongue tied when asked to share or defend my faith, now armed and ready to share Gods word! I am keeping tracks of this study and DVD set ready to gift and give away when a searching friend asks about my faith.
Enlightened while at sea (Part 2)
(From an Indian brother in Christ who just completed his contract as the first engineer on an oil tanker and who is now back home in West Bengal.) Here I am just finishing sharing the Stranger on the Road to Emmaus DVD course with my friend. The course is excellent and we are blessed with these (Goodseed) resources. I am planning to call other friends and young pastors because I believe they too will be blessed. (Originally posted on September 07, 2010)
Enlightened while at sea (Part 1)
(From a Filipino brother in Christ, onboard a container ship currently in the China Sea.) Last night I invited one of my crewmates to begin watching the “Stranger on the Road to Emmaus” Video Course with me and - praise God! - he was enlightened by the explanations of John Cross. This is just the beginning of my sharing with him. Please include him in your prayers. (Originally posted on September 07, 2010)
Clearly Teaches Real Biblical Truth
I have been a chaplain in a high security prison here in the UK for 12 years. I have tried in vain to find a course which will adequately and clearly teach the real biblical truths necessary for a proper understanding of the gospel. I have been using “The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus Course” now for 2 years and praise the Lord for the work he has done through these studies. Men who have no knowledge of the bible come to a clear understanding of the true gospel and others who already have a knowledge of the bible come to see truth much more clearly. Many men have come to genuine saving faith in Christ through the teaching of the course here in the prison. I will never forget the day when the Lord moved in an unusual way. John was teaching the transfer of righteousness through the death of Christ and illustrating it with the use of different coloured cloaks. As the truth was explained, one by one each of the 12 men in the room began to weep as the deep personal significance of the death of Christ sunk in. Several of those men have made clear professions of faith in the Lord Jesus and they continue until this day. I can highly recommend the course and pray many more will see the Lord’s hand at work the way I have here. - JM (Chaplain, HM Prison Service UK) (Originally posted on October 16, 2009)