The Lamb - Picture book (Spanish) - El Cordero
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"El Cordero" is the Spanish edition of "The Lamb."
The following is the description from the English edition.
How do we explain the gospel to children in a way that they can understand? How do we explain their need for a Saviour without watering down the details? How can we hold their attention long enough to explain what the Bible is all about? How can we be accurate yet sensitive to the fact that they need simpler explanations?
“The Lamb” is a book written for children five to ten years of age. Engaging children with its full-colour illustrations, this picture book takes children on a journey through the heart of the Bible’s message. Starting with the creation of the universe, the book explains key biblical concepts: Who is God? What is God like? What is sin? Where did evil come from? Why do we need a Saviour? The book concludes with a clear explanation of the identity of Jesus and his amazing provision as our Saviour.
The book makes a clear link between Jesus and the Old Testament sacrificial lamb. Issues like death are dealt with in an honest, straightforward manner. The graphic details surrounding the story of salvation are handled sensitively but not watered down. At the end, children will have an explanation of who God is and what he did for mankind on the cross. It is a message of hope that every child should hear.
- Written for children: Enjoyed by all ages, but written for children, ages five and up.
- Fully illustrated: 50 colour paintings by gifted artist, Ian Mastin, bring the gospel story to life. (See ianmastin.com)
- Assumptions: Assumes no prior knowledge of the Bible.
- Chronological: Begins with the creation of the universe, and then progressing sequentially through key Old Testament stories, it moves into the New Testament to reveal the meaning of the cross and the tomb. The main story of the Bible is tied together into one universal, all-encompassing drama.
- Lays a foundation: The creation-to-the-cross approach helps put the entire Bible in context. Helps children understand the overall message of the Bible without confusion.
- Accurate presentation of the gospel: Complex issues such as death, sin, evil, and God’s provision are sensitively presented in way that children can understand.
- Built-in review: Each chapter begins with a review and ends with questions, all designed to ensure children will clearly understand the message.
- Designed for giveaway: This hardcover book is a beautiful and elegant gift, either for a child or family with children.
- Designed for devotions: Can be read for family devotions or Bible story time.
Also available: eBook edition
Escrito para niños de cinco años y adelante pero repasado y apreciado por todas las edades, El Cordero lleva al lector en un trayecto a través del corazón del mensaje de la Biblia. Explica el evangelio de una manera sencilla pero precisa, sin diluir los detalles.
Acompañado por ilustraciones a todo color, El Cordero empieza con la creación del universo el libro explica conceptos bíblicos claves: ¿Quién es Dios y cómo es Él? ¿Qué es el pecado? ¿Por qué necesitamos un Salvador?
El libro hace una relación clara entre Jesús y el cordero sacrificial del Antiguo Testamento cordero. Temas como la muerte son tratados de una manera honesta y directa. Los detalles gráficos que rodean la historia de la salvación son manejados con sensibilidad, pero no diluidos.
Al final del libro, los niños tendrán una explicación de quien es Dios y lo que Él hizo por la humanidad en la cruz. Es un mensaje de esperanza que cada niño debe de escuchar. El libro concluye con una explicación muy clara de la identidad de Jesús y su impresionante provisión como nuestro Salvador.
Diseñado para regalarse:
Este libro de tapa dura es un hermoso y elegante regalo, ya sea para niño o una familia con niños.
Diseñado para devocionales:
Puede ser leído como devocional familiar o para disfrutar en el tiempo de leer historias bíblicas. También puede ser usado en Escuela Dominical o un ambiente de Escuela en Casa.
Orden Cronológico:
Empieza con la creación del universo y progresa secuencialmente a través de historias claves de los Antiguo y Nuevo Testamentos para explicar el significado de la cruz y la tumba. Se une la historia principal de la Biblia en un drama universal que abarca todo.
Establece los cimientos:
El enfoque de la creación hasta la cruz ayuda a poner en contexto toda la Biblia. Ayudará a los niños a comprender el mensaje general de la Biblia.
La presentación exacta del evangelio:
Asuntos complejos como la muerte, el pecado, la maldad y la provisión de Dios son presentados de una manera sensible para que los niños puedan entender.
Repaso incorporado:
Cada capítulo comienza con un repaso y termina con preguntas, todas ellas están diseñadas para asegurar que los niños entienden claramente el mensaje.
Apreciado por adultos:
Para aquellos que tienen lapsos cortos de atención o dificultad para aprender nuevos conceptos, las ilustraciones de El Cordero se enfocan a ayudar a hacer más claro el mensaje de la biblia.
No. of pages: 183
ISBN: 1890082481
They know all of the right answers, yet don't understand
My name is CJ and for the last two years I have been teaching Children’s Bible classes in Baja California. I go out once a week to the same group of children. In a week, I go to three different areas. For our classes we announce with a loud speaker through the streets surrounding the class area and invite all of the children. From toddlers to upper elementary, the kids run to meet at the blue tarp set up in our host’s backyard At the beginning of our class (we) sing action and praise songs. We then after the verse we have a Bible story and application to go along with that verse. As you can imagine, I have had the opportunity to use many curriculums and materials. I want to let you know how thankful I am for the book El Cordero (THE LAMB in Spanish) I used the book over a course of eight weeks. Most weeks I used just one chapter, but where it was applicable I combined chapters. The book captivated it’s audience! The beautiful illustrations, the audio CD, and the memory verses caught the kids attention. As a teacher, I really appreciated the way that each chapter summed up what had happened in those prior. In my classes I chose one key verse from those that were laid out in footnotes alongside each chapter. The kids memorized these and we used them as a review. Many kids who have grown up in the church know the story of Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection backward and forward. They know all of the right answer, yet don’t understand why it was that Jesus took sin upon himself, and how his death bought our life. This book did a very good job of explaining just that. The kids were able to understand the need of Jesus’ sacrifice. I recommend this book to any teacher to use a tool for chronological teaching of the Bible. May God bless you! CJ (Originally posted on October 30, 2008)